Communication issues are a common problem for many title agencies. On the one hand, buyers, sellers, real estate agents, and lenders should receive responses to their inquiries promptly. On the other hand, the constant interruption of emails and phone calls reduces the time required to complete tasks and prepare a transaction for closing.
Without clear communication protocols, each person on your team is left to figure out when it’s the best time to stop what they are doing and answer phone calls and emails. Unless your team members are very good at managing their time, it's likely that they'll be reactive instead of proactive when it comes to when they communicate.
Here are five steps to creating communication protocols in your title agency.
Step 1: Identify Your Communication Needs
Before you can develop communication protocols, you need to identify your communication needs. Take a close look at your title agency's communication issues and define what changes you would like to see. For example, where do you see a breakdown in communication? Is it during the order-opening stage? Is your team in a hurry to open the order without introducing themselves to the clients? Is it during the processing stage? Are your team members so bogged down with completing tasks that they don’t get around to responding to emails? Is it the opposite? Do your team members spend a large portion of their time answering emails and phone calls but don’t get around to completing tasks?
First, you must identify the areas where communication breakdowns or reductions in task completion tend to occur. Once you have identified your communication needs, you can start developing protocols that address those needs.
Step 2: Define Your Communication Methods
Your communication methods should be tailored to meet the specific needs of your title agency. They should define the methods and channels of communication that you will use, as well as who is responsible for each type of communication and when.
For instance, you can set up email templates to answer questions that come up again and again during a transaction. You may establish who needs to be copied on the emails and how quickly emails with recurring questions need to be answered. You may also have protocols for how phone calls are answered, how voicemails are handled, and how quickly return calls should be made.
You can also decide when the tasks at hand are more important than certain communications. For example, balancing a Closing Disclosure with an institutional lender at 4 p.m. on Tuesday for a closing at 9 a.m. on Friday will take precedence over general questions that come in via email, phone call, or text message. This may seem obvious to many, but I have often seen a team member answer random phone calls in exactly this scenario.
Step 3: Communicate Your Protocols to Your Team
Once you have developed your communication protocols, it's crucial to communicate them to your team. Make sure everyone understands the protocols and their importance. Provide training, and make sure everyone knows who to turn to if they have questions or concerns.
Step 4: Monitor and Evaluate Your Communication Protocols
Your communication protocols should be dynamic and adaptable. Regularly monitor and evaluate your protocols to see if they are working effectively. If they are not, make the necessary adjustments.
It is also imperative that each team member understand that not adhering to the communication protocols diminishes the performance of the team as a whole.
Step 5: Continuously Improve Your Communication Protocols
Finally, it's essential to continuously improve your communication protocols. As your title agency grows and evolves, your communication needs will change. Keep an eye on emerging technologies and trends in communication, and be prepared to adjust your protocols accordingly.
For example, you may need to add protocols for communicating via social media or messaging apps, or you may need to adjust your protocols to better accommodate remote workers.
Establishing clear communication protocols is essential for any title agency. These protocols provide a framework for communication and ensure that everyone involved in a transaction is on the same page. They help establish a clear understanding of what information needs to be communicated when it needs to be communicated, and to whom. By doing so, you can improve the efficiency of your agency's operations, create a more positive client experience, and increase the likelihood of repeat and referral business.
Claudette Espendez is a specialized title industry consultant. Her dedication to each of her client's success and her ability to identify areas for improvement and provide step-by-step practical solutions has made her a sought-after resource among real estate attorneys and title agents looking to elevate their title agencies to the next level. Inquiries may be sent to